Tag Archives: Lithuanian

New translations of “I live here” – Catalan, Lithuanian, Marathi and Japanese

New translations of “I live here” – Catalan, Lithuanian, Marathi and Japanese

Since launching this site and asking people to send their translations of “I live here” in languages spoken in Queens, many have got in touch.

Most recently, for example:

Catalan: Jo visc aquí – sent by a mother-tongue speaker who lives in Astoria.  Catalan was not on the most recent American Community Survey list of languages spoken at home in the borough – a reminder that there are probably many languages out there which are not on that list.

Lithuanian: Aš čia gyvenu

Marathi:   Marathi Verbs in Marathi are gendered, so “live” here is as a woman would say it.

And Korean, which has an informal version: 私はここに住む and formal: 私はここに住みます

And here’s a video of my husband saying “I live here” in Spanish – as in, “Vivo aquí”.  Videos for other languages spoken in Queens are welcome!  I’ll post them on this site along with the translations.